Last year we developed a visual show for the Berlin Saloon by Berlin Partner, this year we join the German Haus by Initiative Musik to moderate two panels on featuring artists and music business experts such as Madame Gandhi, Portrait XO, The Rattle LA, and more on March 18 at Seven Grand.
Co-create, Collaborate, Connect – Expanding Fanbases Through Communities 4.15PM
This expert talk will explore how artists and their collaborators can best work together, how artist communities are beneficial for the individuals and how a community based artist strategy can help create unique fan experiences
Juggling with Data – How to Build an International Booking Strategy 5.15PM
This expert talk will investigate the current modes of data use within booking, and support the idea of an international booking strategy that balances individual experience with learnings from data.
► Full program info and RSVP HERE. ►►►► The city of Austin decided to cancel SXSW a few days before the program started.
► In 2020 and beyond, YMA will develop projects mostly in Berlin and Los Angeles, get in touch HERE to become a partner.