How can the boundaries between artists and their audience, the portrayers and their subjects be taken down? UN1TY is a multimedia group exhibition dedicated to the question of how artistic processes can be democratized and de-hierarchized. The show focuses on the art of portraiture – from studio photography, retouched and augmented imagery, collage, moving image to AI-generated photography and live interaction for a fuller artistic expression, as well as the representation of the self as home.
► Sunday May 14, 5-8PM: Free for All Workshop
In the course of a workshop open to both the artists and the public, the exhibition works are developed and selected based on the structures of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), the curation is guided by the work of all participants as well as their votes in an election process.
The workshop also features a guided discussion between the artists and the audience that explores the portrait as a creative genre, the use of new tech along with emerging questions of copyright and accessibility, and potential approaches to creating democratic structures in art. In the second half of the workshop, participants will dedicate themselves to the practical creation of an AI portrait and will participate to different practical workflows including a DAO-inspired curatorial vote. The traditional barriers between curator and artist will fall, and the audience will gain deeper insights into the organization of an exhibition.
► Friday May 19, 6-9PM & Saturday May 20 2-6PM: Art Show
The exhibition vernissage will present the multimedia portraits created in group sessions as well as in the workshop together with the audience. The works will be enhanced by live performance and interaction in space by the artists present and made a multi-sensory experience. On the following day, the works will be exhibited as visual pieces only.
► Join the workshop and the show: Luckenwalder Str. 6b, 10963 Berlin, Facebook RSVP.
B-Part is accessible for wheelchairs: the front entry has a ramp and the back entry at Luckenwalder Straße an elevator.
► UN1TY artists are: Aconite, Andreas Schimanski, Claire Saint Marc, Cloaking, Danny Muster, Kyoka, Lady Gaby, Noura Hafez, Olcan Akçay, and Shoxxx.
► Concept & implementation: Nadia Says
► Art direction B-Part Exhibition & Loop Raum: Rüdiger Lange
► Coordination & PR text: Sophie Boche, EN press release, DE press release
► Featured images created using AI by Andreas Schimanski with support from all UN1TY artists
► More about UN1TY on IHeartBerlin and Kaltblut, photos HERE, and animation HERE.