Building Beats in the UAE

Your Mom’s brings LA/Berlin producer, performer and technologist Simonne Jones and Paris/Berlin techno DJ rising star Justine Perry to Dubai and Abu Dhabi for two days of free DJing and music production workshops in collaboration with the SAE Institute Dubai, the Goethe Institut Gulf (full event info HERE or if geo-restricted please click HERE), and the French Embassy.

•• Thursday December 4th at the SAE Dubai:
10am-1pm: dive into production with Simonne Jones
2pm-5pm: introduction to digital DJing by Justine Perry
•• Friday 5th at Warehouse421 in Abu Dhabi:
1pm-2:30pm: introduction to digital DJing by Justine Perry
3pm-5pm: introduction to digital production by Simonne Jones
•• Recap of the event edited into a podcast to air on Reboot FM and FC Radio.

Watch the Insta video HERE and the full recap below:

Contact Your Mom’s to organise all age and all level educational programs HERE.